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Dr.-Ing. Matthias Schneider

Executive Director, river hydraulics, ecohydraulics, environmental impact, hydropower, water mangement

        ☎ Phone: +49-(0)7191-3455-123      ☎ Cell: +49-(0)1511-533-63-11

Matthias Schneider earned his doctoral degree in civil engineering at the University of Stuttgart and then worked as a researcher under the professorial chair for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources at the University of Stuttgart. His research interests are concentrated in the following areas: river engineering and river hydraulics, ecohydraulics, hydraulic engineering design (pipelines, barrages, hydropower stations), modeling (habitat simulations, 1- and 2D-hydraulics, dam stability), engineering hydrology and the analysis of water supply networks. He has more than twenty years experience in the design and management of water resources projects, which, among other things, attend to the environmental integrity of hydraulic engineering installations, the more natural development of watercourses and flood protection measures. He is instrumental in the development of the habitat simulation model CASiMiR. Dr. Schneider has been founding member and executive director at SJE GmbH since 2001. Additionally, Dr. Schneider has a teaching assignment at the Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems at the University of Stuttgart and offers courses as a guest lecturer at the Bauhaus Universitaet Weimar, the TU Dresden and the college Weihenstephan-Triesdorf.

Dr.-Ing. Ianina Kopecki

Ecohydraulic Modelling, Model/Software Development, Geoinformatics

        ☎ Phone: +49-(0)7191-3455-124      ☎ Cell: +49-(0)160-55-76-385

Ianina Kopecki studied civil engineering in St. Petersburg (Russia) and then completed the internationally oriented Master of Science program, WAREM, at the University of Stuttgart. Before joining SJE she was a research assistant at the University of Stuttgart where she achived her doctoral degree. She specializes in the areas of hydrodynamics (1D, 2D and 3D), sediment transport and modeling of aquatic, semi-aquatic and terrestrial habitats. She is an expert in application and development of GIS applications. Furthermore, she is instrumental in the programming and development of the habitat simulation model CASiMiR. Ianina Kopecki also teaches hydraulic and terrain modelling (Structure from Motion) courses.

M.Sc. Tobias Hägele

Hydraulic modeling, surface models, structure from motion, habitat modeling, data processing, GIS, survey

        ☎ Phone: +49-(0)7191-3455-125      ☎ Cell: +49-(0)172 78-92-00-7

Tobias Hägele graduated the Master of Science program Environmental Engineering at the University of Stuttgart. His specialization is in different fields such as hydrology, water protection, water management, water suppy and environmental fluid mechanics. His research and thesis works were focussed on geostatistic interpolation of precipitation time series as well as on habitats in urban water bodies and options for morphological and in consequence ecological enhancement. Tobias Hägele brings his expertise to the SJE team in the fields of hydraulic modeling, habitat modeling, surface models, Structure from Motion, data processing, GIS and survey.

Lisa Kopecki

Data processing, Structure from Motion, GIS

Lisa Kopecki supports sje Ecohydraulic Engineering and works on tasks in the field of data processing, the application of geoinformation systems, the Structure from Motion method and the creation of digital terrain models and high-resolution orthophotos.